Message from Principal
Thank you for your interest in Gob Blessing Public School (GBPS) at Lalru Mandi(Punjab) in India.
It is matter of great pleasure for me to introduce to you God Blessing Public School, Lalru Mandi (Pb.). This School is an endeavor to encourage professional education in the rural area around village Lalru Mandi ( Pb.) . The ever changing need and demand for education in the region pertinently gave us a thrust to start this School. Besides state-of-the art infrastructure, classrooms & technology the School has highly qualified faculty who brings innovative concepts relating to education. We offer special privilege to the students of weaker section of the society and will consistently work towards their upliftment through career guidance & counseling.
"The school meets most successfully its aim to produce young people highly capable to meet the great challenges of life" .
GBPS is a vibrant and successful school with tremendous facilities in a rural area and provides an exciting future for the students of this rural area . Although still in a nascent stage the school can boast of defeating all the local schools in the Inter -School.
It combines a proud heritage with great modernity. It has the latest version of SMART Classes from EDUCOMP . It is our belief that every child has the opportunity to excel and develop their potential to the full. There is no dearth of potential and skill in rural India, One needs to catch them young and mould them into a very fine Citizens of India through personal involvement and guidance. This is precisely what we do at God Blessing Public School.
At GBPS, our school staff is well educated and competent and does not spare any effort to build a students’ academic background and overall personality.
The school CBSE curriculum, inter -house competitions and extra- curricular activities, life skill training will contribute to your child’s development by encouraging them to enhance their skills and attributes, preparing them for adult life. We provide a secure environment in which every SSPS child feels safe, happy and fulfilled. We would be delighted to see all those with an interest in sharing their future with us.
Mrs. Sonia Bhatia (Principal)
(M.A., B.Ed.)